Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The green eyed monster...or is it one eyed monster...Whichever, jealousy is definitely a monster

So, today we got word from my husband's brigade that he's more than likely going to go to Alaska for a month, here pretty soon. He thought I was going to be pissed because he was leaving, but instead, I'm honestly a little jealous.  I mean, here it is, the perfect time of year to go to Alaska. The sun never sets, the weather is mild, and it's hotter than ...well, you know, in Kansas. Of course, he'll be working the whole time, but still, I wanna go!

As I sat here, irritated with the fact that he gets to go see this beautiful part of the world and I am, yet again, left behind to take care of our kids and dog, I started to put things into perspective.  I started thinking maybe he's jealous sometimes that he misses out on so many things that I get to see every day, and take for granted, at that.

While he gets to go see Alaska, and spend time "bonding" with his friends from work, I will be home. With our three kids, and our puppy (who I still maintain is part demon). I will be home to watch Emilee grow and learn new words to speak, which she is doing at an incredible pace. I will be here for Alli and Anna to start whatever sport we decide to put them in in the Fall. I will be here for Frosty to, maybe, just maybe, learn how to be a normal dog.

I will be here to snuggle with Anna when she gets scared in the middle of the night. I'll be here to watch Bubble Guppies with Emilee content on my lap and Alli at my side with her blankie.  I will be here. Like I always am.

These are little things that happen every day, and I NEVER  notice them. I bet Codey will though, after he gets back from TDY. I am sure that he will soak up every minute of cuddle time with the kids, as they will with him. I should really start taking these things in every day, and enjoying them.

I'll try harder while he's gone. I'll try harder while he's home before he leave too, but definitely while he's gone. I'll try not to be so jealous of the excitement that goes along with an extended amount of time in the beautiful mountains because I know that deep down, even though he may not admit it or even recognize it, he's jealous that he won't be here, spending time with our family.

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